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Innovative process of deposition of natural bio-active molecules for the manufacture of fabrics for health and well-being


Zanolo SpA


To develop a process for the application of natural cosmetic bioactive molecules on the textile substrate, by using on innovative technology with a low energy and environmental impact that allows to obtain high cosmetic performances without adversely affecting the textile properties of the substrate.


Yanga srl


This innovative process is based on a “dry cleaning” technology, on alternative to the common wet treatment process. In this process low amounts of non-bioactive chemicals are used, increasing the effectiveness of bioactive substances.

This new process does not involve the use of water: washing steps and drying steps were eliminateci, while minimizing waste pollution and water and energy consumption. The process applies to existing facilities and does not require expensive plant installations.

The technology is extremely flexible and it is focused on the development of elastic tubular support bandages for joints. The bandages may be filled with any natural substance (caffeine, arnica, propolis … ), allowing on effective and durable releasing action.

The first tangible result of the PROMOTE project is the commercialization of the first product developed, on elastic releasing tubular bandage which is currently on the market.



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