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The EU-ALLIANCE project aims to support the internationalization of SMEs in technical textiles, connectivity and advanced materials sectors to address dual-use markets in four target countries: The United States, Canada, Japan and Indonesia.

It gathers 6 clusters specialized in each sector: technical textiles and advanced materials (Techtera, Po.in.tex and NTT), defence and security (NDIV) and connectivity (SIIT and Systematic). The different partners are complementary to each other in terms of competences, networks, associated companies (with particular reference to SMEs) and international experience: this allows to build efficient partnerships and to work together in a cross-sectoral environment. Indeed, the project aims at strongly intensifying collaboration between clusters and business networks across borders and sectoral boundaries.

The key objective is to support SMEs in global competition, to provide them with customized internationalization services to enter new international markets and to organize international missions in which delegations of SMEs supported by the respective clusters, such as Po.in.tex, will participate in the four target countries. The companies have the opportunity to meet the main local actors in their sectors thanks to the partnerships already built during the first Alliance project and further strengthened during this second EU-Alliance project, as well as to present their products and services also during the project missions.

Dedicated facilities for SMEs to participate in international missions be were also activated.


Techtera (Francia) – project coordinator

Next Technology Tecnotessile (Italy)

Città Studi-Po.in.tex (Italy)

SIIT (Italy)

NIDV – Netherlands Industries for Defence & Security (Netherlands)

Systematic Paris Region (France).

More details about the project on the European Cluster Collaboration Platform website and on our social networks LinkedIn and Twitter.

Info: polo.tessile@cittastudi.org