The first newsletter of the EU project TEX4IM (Textile Clusters for Industrial Modernization) project has been published.
The project, of which we are partners, provides important support actions for SMEs, especially regarding the development of innovative projects and the construction of their business plans.
The goal of the project is to develop strong skills and form strategic alliances in the following strategic areas:
– Circular economy and resource efficiency applied to textile-clothing value chains in Europe;
– Advanced digitised manufacturing, value chains and business models principles applied to textile-clothing value chains in Europe, including industry modernization;
– E-marketing and thematic social communities for attractive growth markets for TC product, as advanced way of approaching the final consumer;
– Advanced Textile Materials (ATM) investigation for the development of new and diversified high added-value products and applications, marketable in the medium-long term socio-economic scenario.
The newsletter contains an overview of the events we have organized and attended, with opportunities and useful information for companies interested in the cooperation with other countries and sectors, waiting to start again with the next international Matchmaking event, which will be rescheduled soon.
More info about the project TEX4IM at this link and at the official website.