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Company type

Medium enterprise

Address (legal and operational headquarters)

Via Pietro Zia 31, Cerrione (BI) 13882, Italy

Contact details (phone number, email, LinkedIn)

+39 0152582111 / info@dbtfibre.com / https://www.linkedin.com/company/de-martini-bayart-&-textifibra-s.p.a.-detta-anche-dbt-fibre-s-.p.a./



Product / Service

Fibers, tops and effects


Preparation for spinning, Mechanical recycling

Company profile

DBT Fibre was founded in 2003 as a result of the merger of four companies created in the first half of the last century in four villages with a long historical tradition in the textile industry. The merger of these companies adds more than one hundred years of experience in the sector and concentrates the forces in a commercial action aimed at the most widespread presence on the markets. DBT Fibre combines the most advanced textile technology with machinery adapted to offer a wide range of carded ribbons or combed tops for classic and fancy yarns. Button carding tapes, tweed-effect flamed tapes, or even tops of natural fibers or special fibers such as flat section viscose are our specialty.


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