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Company type

Small enterprise

Address (legal and operational headquarters)

Legal headquarter: Via Passo Buole 6 20135 Milano

operational headquarter: Via Corradino Sella 10 13900 Biella

Contact details (phone number, email, LinkedIn)

3737178930 –  stefano.fasana@i-dealsrl.com




Product / Service

Services for Businesses


measurement services

Company profile

i-Deal is an innovative SME that designs and develops IT solutions supported by AI technologies such as Image Analysis and Machine Learning. The company’s core business, which started with the creation of SizeYou, a remote anthropometric data collection solution, focuses on the medical, wellness & fitness and textile sectors. i-Deal is an active partner of several European projects with a focus on Artificial Intelligence, which are a source of continuous updating in terms of Research & Development.


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